Current MPhil/PhD students
︎︎︎ Anne Julie Arnfred
︎︎︎ Mariam Atieh
︎︎︎ Marie-Charlotte Carrier
︎︎︎ Ofri Cnaani
︎︎︎ Joselyne Contreras Cerda
︎︎︎ Jiaying Gao
︎︎︎ Stu Hanson
PhD Candidate
Years of study:
What I meant was Planaoglossia, but this may be more interesting: An investigation of how misunderstanding is a site of significant creative productivity
What I meant was Planaoglossia, but this may be more interesting: An investigation of how misunderstanding is a site of significant creative productivity
This practice-based research project aims to define the term planaoglossia as a generative and productive site for engaging with our complex reality and emergent contingencies. Through poly-vocal research actions with a theoretical basis in weak theory this research will look at conversation and talking at 'cross-purposes' as generative and productive sites for the emergence of interplays which provide means for engaging with exigent questions within contemporary life.

︎︎︎ Deniz Kirkali
︎︎︎ Ka Yuet Lau
︎︎︎ Francesca Lazzarini
︎︎︎ Weitian Liu
︎︎︎ Iris Long
︎︎︎ Elham Puriya Mehr
︎︎︎ Alison Moloney
︎︎︎ Camilla Palestra
︎︎︎ John Angel Rodriguez
︎︎︎ Esther Siddiquie
︎︎︎ Vaida Stepanovaite
︎︎︎ Aisling Ward
︎︎︎ Xavier Acarín Wieland
Current MRes students
︎︎︎ Poppy Bowers
︎︎︎ Scott Burrell
︎︎︎ Patricia Roig Canepa
︎︎︎ Gema Darbo
︎︎︎ Susanne Ewerlöf
︎︎︎ Zoe Keller
︎︎︎ Heidi Rustgaard
︎︎︎ Haruna Takeda
︎︎︎ Aliaskar Torkaliaskari